Tag Archives: Business

Can you take your business all the way?

Well, it’s here. One more game for the Vancouver Canucks and they will be in the Stanley Cup Final. It’s great to see a Canadian team so close to succeeding. I get excited about hockey almost as much as I get excited about seeing business owners succeed. I’ve been running the ActionCOACH Draft for the last few weeks and it’s coming down to the final week or so for entrepreneurs and business owners to decide if they are going for the cup, or are going to end up staying on the bench.

It’s simple really. If you know someone that you think could make a great leader, wants to give back to the community, and is looking for a business challenge, send them our way. Our last two draft selections Kevin Savoy and Mel Ruttan earned a $5,000.00 dollar bonus for signing up and being selected out of over 50 entries. They are starting fresh out of the gate with their new businesses- helping other business owners streamline and fine tune their life’s work.

As the hockey season comes to a close,  the excitement surrounding it is reaching a fever pitch. Tell all your friends about the ActionCOACH Draft– you and your community will be glad you did!

Greg and the ActionCOACH Canada team

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Filed under ActionCOACH, ActionCOACH Draft, Alberta, Business, Business and Economy, business coaching, business franchises, Canada, Cold calling, Corporation, Dragons' Den, Economy, Employment, Government, Human resources, Private sector, Public sector, Recession, Sales, Small business, women and business

Lethbridge ActionCOACH Rewards Successful Businesses with Awards Ceremony

Lethbridge, AB– Every day, in every major city across Canada, we see “For Lease” or “For Sale” signs on local businesses on every major street; with rents going up, local businesses are finding it tougher & tougher to survive.

Still, some local businesses thrive, even during the hardest times. Local business expert Greg Stonehocker knows what makes a business thrive: “Above all, a passion for excellence. You have to want to be the best, to really be the only viable option for your customers. Competition will always be fierce. What will set you apart? That’s why I gave out these awards to Alberta business owners—they are showing that anything is possible!”

At the Awards ceremony the Mastery Award was given to Russ Gallant, owner of Water Proofing Roofing Ltd: Russ used to let his business run him, instead of the other way round. Now revenue is up 200% from 2008 & his golf game has never been better. Getting off the roof and working “ON” the business turned out to be the key.

The Leverage Award was given to Gerrit & Jane Bezooyen, of Bezooyen Contracting. Greg gave them this award because Gerrit was recently appointed as the local Canadian Home Builders Association President, which has increased his already busy schedule. We put a plan in place and a system to hire a new person, allowing him to leverage his time and resources.

The Team Award was given to the Boys & Girls Club of Lethbridge: over the past 2.5 years they have consistently upgraded their systems & procedures to make their staffing 100% better. Trever Broadhead, their general director, made incredible strides.

Greg spoke to Trevor, who said “It validates all of the hard work we have been putting forth to achieve our strategic objectives. For the first time in 2 ½ years I feel like we have the best team structure in place, with the most qualified and enthusiastic team members.”

Greg went on to say: “Finally, the Focus Bat Award goes to the company that shows the most significant results and consistent effort over the past 90 days. It was a real privilege to give this to Rudy & Stella Reger, of EnergySmart Canada, who have shown incredible resolve to make things better. Among other things, they have implemented a number of Sales, KPI, Marketing Systems, have hired a General Manager, renegotiated financing and inventory levels. Business in Alberta is booming–& owners like Rudy & Stella are showing us the way!”

For more information about how and ActionCOACH can help your business contact

Greg Stonehocker at ActionCOACH Lethbridge Call (403) 360-9173 or (403) 524-3636 or email at GregStonehocker@actioncoach.com


To book an interview contact:
Rachel Sentes, Publicist

rachel@gal-fridaypublicity.com 604-366-7846

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ActionCOACH Canada Rock Guitarist is latest Franchise Owner

Ottawa, ON- ActionCOACH Canada’s latest entry into the ActionCOACH business franchise is Kevin Savoy, guitarist in the band Yesterday’s Tomorrow, a tight rock cover band out of Ontario.

Savoy, a seasoned veteran of the high tech and sales management industry was chosen from a selected group of applicants in the first round of the 2011 ActionCOACH Draft. A family man living in Oxford Mills, Kevin is active in the community as a volunteer hockey coach, baseball coach, and a member of the Knights of Columbus Chapter 5333.

“I was at that point in my life where I wanted to take the challenge of being a business owner and start giving back to the community. I had a successful career in Sales management and when this opportunity to be a help others as part of ActionCOACH presented itself, it was a natural fit. I’m eager to be part of this small business revolution,” says Savoy.

Kevin is known for his energy on and off the stage and as a former colleague of his said, “He always engaged his audience and was able to connect with people so easily. I find this to be one of Kevin’s best attributes…He also has an innate business sense and will make a great business coach.  With my interaction with him I was able to grow my business significantly as did my co-workers,” said Lynn Gillman of Avnet-Memec Corp.

Kevin is now entering training for the ActionCOACH franchise and will soon be setting up business in the Kemptville, Brockville and Ottawa area.

For more information about ActionCOACH Canada and the ActionCOACH Draft, visit www.Actioncoachcanada.ca and www.actioncoachdraft.ca


To book an interview contact
Rachel Sentes, Publicist


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How are you and your business going to take advantage of Friday the 13th?

Did you know that in the U.S $800-900 million dollars are lost on Friday the 13th because people will not fly or do business the way they regularly do?

 Just think of all the opportunities you could be sourcing because people are gripped by an outdated superstition? It’s insane! Forget Black Friday- the stock market crashed happened because it was of our own making. In Spain Tuesday the 13th is their bad luck day and I’m sure in other countries around the world everyday is taken up by some bad luck day. If we were to get sucked into all those urban legends our businesses would cease to exist.

So what are you going to do today- this  Friday 13th ? Get off work early and join the rest of them? Or are you going to take advantage of the fact that you make your own luck and show everyone that you aren’t a follower- you are a leader!

If you are a leader– then you might want to think about clicking this button:  ActionCOACH Draft  We are looking for leaders just like you who aren’t scared of silly superstitions or are going to take a day off just because everyone else does. We have two new coaches who were drafted in our first round- Kevin Savoy of Ottawa and Mel Ruttan of Edmonton- and we are looking for more. Check out what ActionCOACH Canada is all about and join our team before our draft ends!!!

Best of success, Greg K

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Filed under ActionCOACH, ActionCOACH Draft, Alberta, Audit and Purchasing, Black Friday, Business, Business and Economy, business coaching, business franchises, Canada, Cold calling, Corporation, Economy, Employment, Financial services, Friday the 13th, Globe and Mail, Government, Human resources, Internet, Multinational corporation, Private sector, Public sector, Recession, Sales, Shopping, Small business, women and business

Time and Management: Saving a Wage Could Cost You a Fortune!

Is time management a hot topic for you? Whenever I talk to business owners they have two main concerns, making more money and attempting to work less hours in a week.

In other words getting from 80-100 hrs a week to something like 60-70 hrs/wk. As a business owner, the idea of a 40 hr work week or a business that works without me the owner is someone’s idea of a joke.

In one of our surveys we did with business owners we asked the question, How long would your business last if you were not there (eg. You were hit by a bus and in a coma in the hospital). Everyone laughs at the question.

Many times the owner of a small business ends up doing everything. So they end up working IN the business instead of ON the business. So how do we get business owners working hard on smart things insteading of working hard or thinking about how to work smart?

My #1 time management priority everyday in my businessif it doesn’t add money to the bottom line, I don’t work on it.  No money coming in, no point in making a pretty spreadsheet or spending countless hours in a meeting with an undefined purpose.

The The key time management tool for an owner is to figure out what he is worth an hour. That will determine what a business owner should be working on.

For example:

Let’s say your business brings in annual revenue of $750,000. Now you have to figure out what you are worth an hour. Since you are the owner you are the rainmaker, the person who makes things happen. The buck stops with you.

So, if you were working a normal week, and I know you aren’t. Let’s say it’s 40 hrs and you work 49 weeks. Your total hours per year are 49 x 40 = 1,960 hrs. So $750,000/1960 = $383/hr (rounded up).

That means you as the owner is worth $383/hr. So if what you are working on isn’t worth $383/hr; stop it!

Real life example — you are working late each night catching up on paperwork and doing the book keeping and you spend 30% of the week doing it. So that means it is costing you and your business over $18,000/m because you are doing those admin tasks. If you hired someone to do it and pay them $20/hr that means the cost of the person is $960. So if you hired the person and then spent that 30% generating an additional $18,000 less their $960 you are making $17,040. So stop saving a wage it could be costing you a fortune!

To your success and the success of our communities in Canada,

Greg K.

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Filed under ActionCOACH, Alberta, Audit and Purchasing, Business, Business and Economy, business coaching, business franchises, Canada, Corporation, Economy, Employment, Financial services, Globe and Mail, Government, Human resources, Insurance, Private sector, Public sector, Recession, Recruitment, Sales, Small business, Time Management, women and business

Can Vancouver take the series? Can your ActionCOACH draft pick succeed?

Vancouver Canucks

Image via Wikipedia

The Playoffs are heating up with Tuesday being the do or die day for the Vancouver Canucks, and the days are getting shorter for you to pick your draft picks for the Fantasy Coach draft pick. 

There is no space for the weak minded when it comes to professional hockey teams and professional business coaches. Business is like sports; without a great coach, the team fails.

One of our Talent Scouts from the Q1 Draft told us why he picked one of his friends to be a coach:

“He has run a very successful business for years and would make a fantastic coach!  His dedication is unparalleled.”

And guess what? That’s exactly what we are looking for.  Go ahead, find out how entering your ActionCOACH Draft Pick is the best move you can make!!

Are you someone who is driven, business savvy, and passionate?  Can you see yourself being a key part of your business community’s success by showing them how to run a commercial profitable business? Learn More

“The first round of picks resulted in many draft picks with 4 prospects bidding for the open 3 spots for that pick.  We are excited to see who will make the cut to become an ActionCOACH Business Coach Franchise Partner this round!”

  -Greg Kopchuk, ActionCOACH Canada Owner and Master Licensee

The ActionCOACH Business Coaching Draft Pick, Learn More

ActionCOACH Business Coach Draft Picks should fit the following basic criteria: 

  •  Men and women who get excited about watching others succeed
  • Men and women who are looking to make a difference in the exciting new frontier of business coaching
  • You have preferably been involved with running or owning a business.
  • Have a positive outlook on selling and realize it is a key factor to business success
  • Men and women who are looking to join an industry that is growing and thriving where they can reach their personal and financial goals.

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Filed under ActionCOACH, Alberta, Business, Business and Economy, business coaching, business franchises, Canada, Cold calling, Corporation, Economy, Employment, Globe and Mail, Government, Income tax, Insurance, Internet, Olympic Games, Small business, Sport

Turn up the heat on your Business while Your Competition is on Vacation

Summer is Waning
Image by Storm Crypt via Flickr

I saw this great story in the Globe and Mail the other day:

article1632646– about slowing down work in the summer.
The author makes many good points, but I would go even further. Summer is THE time to hustle & make that extra effort.

Of course, that’s easy to say. When the temperature climbs past 30, & the humidex is closer to 40…who wants to work? But I’m am not saying you shouldn’t take a vacation. Far from it.

I am saying that a lot of companies, small, medium & large, get lazy at this time of year. NOW is the time to win the business of those customers who are less than blown away by the service they are getting right now.

A friend of mine, as I write, is trying to pay a well known national courier company to pick up a package for him. Nothing doing. He’s been on hold for a week & a half. Ok, I exaggerate a little to make a point, but NOW is the time he needs to hear from other courier companies that want his business.

My point?

I tell all my clients: Work Even Harder. Go after all those customers in the past who have passed you by because they use another company. Chances are, at this time of year, they will be all ears!

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