Tag Archives: superstition

How are you and your business going to take advantage of Friday the 13th?

Did you know that in the U.S $800-900 million dollars are lost on Friday the 13th because people will not fly or do business the way they regularly do?

 Just think of all the opportunities you could be sourcing because people are gripped by an outdated superstition? It’s insane! Forget Black Friday- the stock market crashed happened because it was of our own making. In Spain Tuesday the 13th is their bad luck day and I’m sure in other countries around the world everyday is taken up by some bad luck day. If we were to get sucked into all those urban legends our businesses would cease to exist.

So what are you going to do today- this  Friday 13th ? Get off work early and join the rest of them? Or are you going to take advantage of the fact that you make your own luck and show everyone that you aren’t a follower- you are a leader!

If you are a leader– then you might want to think about clicking this button:  ActionCOACH Draft  We are looking for leaders just like you who aren’t scared of silly superstitions or are going to take a day off just because everyone else does. We have two new coaches who were drafted in our first round- Kevin Savoy of Ottawa and Mel Ruttan of Edmonton- and we are looking for more. Check out what ActionCOACH Canada is all about and join our team before our draft ends!!!

Best of success, Greg K

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Filed under ActionCOACH, ActionCOACH Draft, Alberta, Audit and Purchasing, Black Friday, Business, Business and Economy, business coaching, business franchises, Canada, Cold calling, Corporation, Economy, Employment, Financial services, Friday the 13th, Globe and Mail, Government, Human resources, Internet, Multinational corporation, Private sector, Public sector, Recession, Sales, Shopping, Small business, women and business