Tag Archives: Transportation and Logistics

Turn up the heat on your Business while Your Competition is on Vacation

Summer is Waning
Image by Storm Crypt via Flickr

I saw this great story in the Globe and Mail the other day:

article1632646– about slowing down work in the summer.
The author makes many good points, but I would go even further. Summer is THE time to hustle & make that extra effort.

Of course, that’s easy to say. When the temperature climbs past 30, & the humidex is closer to 40…who wants to work? But I’m am not saying you shouldn’t take a vacation. Far from it.

I am saying that a lot of companies, small, medium & large, get lazy at this time of year. NOW is the time to win the business of those customers who are less than blown away by the service they are getting right now.

A friend of mine, as I write, is trying to pay a well known national courier company to pick up a package for him. Nothing doing. He’s been on hold for a week & a half. Ok, I exaggerate a little to make a point, but NOW is the time he needs to hear from other courier companies that want his business.

My point?

I tell all my clients: Work Even Harder. Go after all those customers in the past who have passed you by because they use another company. Chances are, at this time of year, they will be all ears!

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Filed under Alberta, Business, Business and Economy, Canada, Economy, Globe and Mail, Private sector, Public sector, Small business